Collection: BUY 1 GET 1 FREE


Do You Ship Worldwide?

Yes, we offer FREE Worldwide Shipping to 76+ Countries(ex: US, UK, INDIA, CANADA, EUROPE etc). Here comes the best part - ALL Customs Fees and Import Taxes are Paid By Us:)

Do You Offer Returns?

Absolutely! If any of the items you've purchased don't meet your expectations, we gladly offer a hassle-free return/refund within a 14-day period.

How Do I Care For My Clothes?

Flip inside out. Use a mild detergent on a cool wash. Avoid using fabric softeners and bleach. Put on a short Spin. Hang dry.

I have more questions!

Don't hesitate to reach out if you need further help! You can easily get in touch with us through our live chat feature located in the bottom right corner of the screen, or you can send us an email at We're here to help!